Emacs is a powerful, extensible and customizable text editor. GNU Emacs is probably the most popular variant of Emacs as it is included in the repositories of many popular GNU/Linux distributions. Emacs runs on several operating systems including GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS, MS Windows and Solaris.
Install Emacs on OpenBSD
$ doas pkg_add emacs
Emacs comes with a comprehensive, built-in help system which can be accessed by pressing C-h t; In other words, pressing Control h, followed by t. This starts an interactive tutorial that you can follow, save and continue at a later time.
Emacs cheat sheet
Emacs key bindings are unique, but easy to understand and remember when you become familiar with its terminology. In Emacs C-x means "click on Control and x at the same time". M-x means: "type Alt then x"; M refers to Meta. In most cases the Alt key functions as the Meta key. However on some keyboards there is a real Meta key. In this cheat sheet we use the popular naming of the keys as Alt and Control.
Starting emacs
$ emacs [Enter]
to start emacs.
$ emacs filename [Enter]
to start emacs and load a file
$ emacs -nw filename [Enter]
to start emacs with no new window (load file)
[Ctrl]x [Ctrl]c
quit emacs (Emacs will prompt if any of the files have not yet been saved.)
aborts any command in progress
[Ctrl]h t
to see the tutorial
[Ctrl]h a topic [Enter]
to see help about topic
[Ctrl]x u
undo the last command
Cursor positioning and navigation within a file
[Ctrl]f or [>-]
forward (right) one character.
[Ctrl]b or [>-]
back (left) one character
[Ctrl]p or [^]
up one screen line
[Ctrl]n or [v]
down one screen line
left one word
right one word
to beginning of line
to end of line
start of document
end of document
page up
page down
cursor in middle of screen
[Ctrl]u 20 [Ctrl]n
advance 20 lines
[Ctrl]x w
display the line number where the cursor is located
[Esc]x goto-line [Enter] 999 [Enter]
go to line number 999
Search and Replace
[Ctrl]s dance [Enter]
search for dance; cursor moves as you type. Press [Enter] once at the correct location
[Ctrl]r dance [Enter]
search backwards for dance; cursor moves as you type.
[Ctrl]s [Enter] [Enter]
search for the next occurrence
[Esc]% oldstring [Enter] newstring [Enter]
Search for oldstring and replace it with newstring. The y key confirms each replacement, n skips it, q to exit
set mark at cursor
kill region
copy region to kill ring
yank back last thing killed
Loading and Saving
[Ctrl]x [Ctrl]f filename
create new filename for editing (clears workspace)
[Ctrl]x [Ctrl]f filename
load in filename for editing
[Ctrl]x [Ctrl]w filename
write (save) as filename
[Ctrl]x [Ctrl]s
resave under the current filename (based on above or name given when starting emacs)
Cutting and Pasting
Mark one end of region
Cut (after you Mark and move to other end)
Copy (after you Mark and move to other end)
Yank (paste) most recently killed (cut or copied); will also use text currently selected in another application.
Next most recently killed (do [Ctrl]y first, repeat [Alt]y to cycle thru all)