ZNC Support

(redirected from Znc.Support)

Welcome and thanks for helping with ZNC support!

Register a team ZNC

  1. Join your team channel and register a bouncer by typing !help
  2. Connect to your ZNC by following the bouncer connection guides
  3. Get familiar with the different IRC client types. Please download every single IRC client that you can and test them out. Try logging in with each IRC client so you can better help support your users.
  4. Ask a teammate to give your account admin powers by typing /msg *controlpanel set admin <username> true

Getting Started on IRC

  1. Check the list of IRC Networks. Please connect to each network that your team has claimed, and join the #ircnow channel there. You will be the official support team for that network.
  2. Join your team channels, #fruit and #fruit-team
  3. Read all messages in your IRC team channel every day

Getting Caught Up

  1. Read all team emails sent to support@fruit.ircnow.org every day
  2. Whenever you reply to a team email, make sure to either save a copy in the sent folder or bcc support@fruit.ircnow.org so your team has a record.
  3. Read all emails sent to your personal user@ircnow.org account every day
  4. All actions must be logged in your team's wiki pages
  5. For each action taken, report it on IRC
  6. For major changes, email the entire team by sending to support@fruit.ircnow.org

Service with a Smiley

Chatting on IRC is hard. Requesting a ZNC is hard. Connecting to a ZNC is hard.

Users need your help -- and they love service with a smiley! :)

  1. Service with a smiley
  2. Keep instructions short and easy to understand
  3. Don't assume a user has successfully connected until he tells you so -- over 50% of users cannot figure out how to use ZNC
  4. We support every IRC client known to man!
  5. Remember, users -- not code or servers -- are the most important part of our network
  6. Word of mouth from satisfied users are the best form of advertising
21:20 < user> !bnc
21:20 <@PLUM> user: Please check private message
21:20 < user> help what is the captcha
21:22 < user> type /msg PLUM !bnc captcha 235
21:24 < user> now how do i connect
21:24 <@staff> user: follow this guide: https://wiki.ircnow.org/index.php?n=Bouncer.MIRC
21:24 < user> ok
21:24 <@staff> type /server -m fruit.ircnow.org 1337 user/NETWORK:PASSWORD
21:25 <@staff> replace NETWORK with your network and PASSWORD with the password in the email
21:27 < user> thx works
21:28 <@staff> you're welcome user, please let your friends know about IRCNow!
21:29 < user> ok bye

Check if Users Connected

Never assume a user has connected successfully -- always check and verify.

Our job is not done until the user has connected is chatting!

You can load notify_connect if it has not been loaded already:

/msg *status loadmod notify_connect

notify_connect will send you a NOTICE message every time a user connects, so you can check if a user has connected.

If you don't see the user connecting, then he must have incorrect settings and you will need to help him troubleshoot.

Common Problems

Can't read captcha

If the user cannot read the captcha, check your #fruit-team channel. The bot should tell you what the captcha is. Or, you can ask the user to message you the captcha. Tell the user the number to message the bot:

/msg <botname> !bnc captcha <number>

You can also just register the bouncer for the user if you know which email he is using.

/msg <botname> !bnc <username> <email>
/msg <botname> !bnc captcha <number>

The username and password will then be sent to the user. If the bot says you have already registered before, just change your nick using /nick <newnick> and then register again.

How do I connect?

To help a user connect to the bouncer, you can ask him which IRC client he is using or use CTCP VERSION:

/ctcp <nick> version
23:54 [ctcp(Guest58404)] VERSION 
23:54 CTCP VERSION reply from Guest58404: mIRC 7.30

In this example, the user is using mIRC 7.30. Look up the mIRC guide and give the user the shortest, simple possible instructions to help him connect:

21:24 <@staff> type /server -m fruit.ircnow.org 1337 user/NETWORK:PASSWORD
21:25 <@staff> replace NETWORK with your network and PASSWORD with the password in the email
21:25 <@staff> full guide here: https://wiki.ircnow.org/index.php?n=Bouncer.MIRC
21:27 < user> thx works

IMPORTANT: Every IRC client has different instructions. Make sure you have personally downloaded and tested as many IRC clients as possible. You can't help users connect if you've never used the IRC client yourself.

You are currently disconnected

13:41 <*status> You are currently disconnected from IRC. Use 'connect' to reconnect.

There are two possibilities.

First, it may be because you did not include your network in the password field. The password should be username/network:password, and not just the password by itself.

(Yes, I know this is incredibly confusing, this is why ZNC is flawed)

The user must type username/network:password and not just password, or else he will connect to the first network by default, which probably is not connected.

Secondly, this may be because you are intentionally connecting to a new network that has not yet connected. If so, just type 'connect'.

Network <name> doesn't exist

First, make sure the user has correctly typed in the password (it should have the form ysername/network:password). Secondly, double check that the network name was spelled correctly. If there are no mistakes, then you need to add the network:

/msg *controlpanel addnetwork <network>
/msg *controlpanel addserver <username> <network> <server> [[+]port]
/msg *controlpanel reconnect <username> <network>

Or you can use the webpanel: https://bnc.fruit.ircnow.org

Why am I on the wrong network?

Most likely because you didn't type in the password in the right way:

21:29 < user> why did u send me to the wrong network
21:30 <@staff> please follow the instructions *carefully*, you forgot to add user/NETWORK:
21:30 <@staff> type /server -m fruit.ircnow.org 1337 user/NETWORK:PASSWORD
21:31 <@staff> you *must* use user/NETWORK:PASSWORD and not just PASSWORD
21:25 <@staff> replace NETWORK with your network and PASSWORD with the password in the email
21:27 < user> thx sorry

This happens because the user just puts a password like abcde12345 into the password field, but ZNC has this terrible approach where it requires users to put in user/NETWORK:abcde12345 to connect to NETWORK. It's extremely confusing and nobody ever understands it the first time. This is one reason why ZNC is flawed.

NOTE: Every IRC client has different instructions. You must read the specific guide before helping a user.

An alternative method for jumping networks is to type:

/znc jumpnetwork NETWORK

Replace NETWORK with the real network you want.

Where is the web panel?


Replace fruit with the real fruit name.

How do I change my password?

/msg *controlpanel set password <username> <password>

He can also use the webpanel at https://bnc.fruit.ircnow.org

Replace fruit with the real fruit name.

What networks do you support?

After a user connects, he should type:

/msg *controlpanel listnetworks

to list all available networks.

How do I add a network?

/msg *controlpanel addnetwork <network>
/msg *controlpanel addserver <username> <network> <server> [[+]port]
/msg *controlpanel reconnect <username> <network>

Or you can use the webpanel: https://bnc.fruit.ircnow.org

How do I delete all these networks?

Don't. Tell the user it's a terrible idea to delete them because it will create extra work for everyone. Just keep the networks around because they are configured properly; if he tries to configure them himself, they will have tons of errors you must later fix.

I can't connect

Ask the user which fruit he tried to connect to (cherry, pear, mango, ...) and what IRC network he wants to chat on. Check the following:

  1. Did the user successfully connect? - Load the notify_connect module and see if you can see the user's IP connecting. - If the user cannot connect to ZNC, then his IRC client has the wrong network settings. - If the user can connect to ZNC but cannot chat, then ZNC itself has the wrong settings and you must troubleshoot his connection for him.

To fix his network settings, log in to the web panel:


  1. Check the nickname/altnick - Some ircds like ngircd are unable to accept punctuation like [] in nicks - This could prevent your user from connecting
  2. Double check the bindhost is set properly and that dns works

Why am I GLINEd?

01:57 !irc.example.com *** You are banned from example.com (See http://irc.example.com/unban) Email admin@example.com for more information.) 01:57 -!- ERROR Closing Link: username [fruit.ircnow.org] (G:lined)

GLINEs are caused either by misconfiguration in the ZNC server, abuse from a user or a misconfiguration on the other network. You will need to ask a ZNC sysadmin to request an iline.

How do I auto-identify on...


/msg *status loadmod perform
/msg *perform Add PRIVMSG NickServ@services.dal.net :identify PASSWORD

If you want to auto op yourself:

/msg *perform Add PRIVMSG ChanServ@services.dal.net :op #chan <nickname>

libera, freenode, rizon, oftc, snoonet:

/msg *status loadmod nickserv
/msg *nickserv set PASSWORD

That will ensure you identify upon reconnect. To identify immediately, type:

/msg NickServ identify PASSWORD


/msg *status loadmod perform
/msg *perform Add SQUERY NickServ :identify PASSWORD

If you want to auto op yourself:

/msg *perform Add PRIVMSG ChanServ :op #chan <nickname>


/msg *status loadmod perform
/msg *perform Add PRIVMSG X@channels.undernet.org :LOGIN <username> <password>
/msg *perform Add mode <username> +x


/msg *perform add PRIVMSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org :AUTH <username> <password>

efnet, ircnet:

There are no services here. We'll try to hold your nick using the bouncer but there is no way to register.

How do I change my ident? My vhost?

WARNING: Make sure to read the security guide on phishing. Do not delete accounts or change vhosts without verifying the users own the email they registered with.

There's currently no way to change the ident besides deleting the account and registering a new one.

For the vhost, email the admins of your server at support@fruit.ircnow.org, replacing fruit with the actual fruit name. The email must come from the same email address they registered from. Or you can use IRC to message the admins on the server. The user must be logged in to the ZNC to prevent phishing. If the user is not logged in, don't change the vhost.

How do I delete my account or reset the password?

WARNING: Make sure to read the security guide on phishing. Do not reset users passwords unless you can confirm they own the email address they signed up with.

Email the admins of your server at support@fruit.ircnow.org, replacing fruit with the actual fruit name. The email must come from the same email address they registered from. Or you can use IRC to message the admins on the server.

An admin can reset the password as follows:

/msg *controlpanel set password <username> <newpass>

Send them an email from your team support account to the email they registered with when they signed up. Don't share with them the password over IRC to prevent phishing.

To delete an account, type:

/msg *blockuser block <username>

Again, don't block an account unless you can verify that they own the email address which was first used to sign up with.

How can I log chats permanently?

Don't. Your ZNC automatically saves messages for you to download when you connect. Simply turn on history logging for your IRC client. But there is currently no way for you to store messages forever. Don't use the log module. It would waste our disk space and there is no way for you to retrieve the logs anyway.

How do I use SASL?

/msg *status loadmod sasl
/msg *sasl Mechanism plain
/msg *sasl set <username> <password>